Saturday, June 20, 2020

Electronics Introduction

Electronics Introduction

                              Electronics is the science that deals with electrical devices and circuits that operate by controlling the flow of electrons and other charge particles. This branch of science deals how electrons behave in gases, vacuum or semiconductors.
Basic Components of Electronics
          The basic components that frequently used in electronics are
·       Resisters
·       Capacitors
·       Inductors
·       Transistors
·       Diodes etc.
This is not complete list of components there are many components that belong to the electronics but these are the basic components of electronics that commonly used in electronics. Using these basic components it is possible to create more useful and complex things like amplifiers, oscillators, transformer, relays, and motors etc. Various other things that can be manufacture or created using these basic components. 
·       Amplifiers
·       Oscillators 
·       Transformer
·        Relays
·        Motors etc.
There are many other complex that can be manufactured by using basic electronics components.
Applications of Electronics
 What are the various fields that used in the electronics?
·       Communication
·       Entertainment
·       Industries
·       Medical Services
·       Defense etc.
Examples of Communication (Mobile Phone, Fax)
Examples of Entertainment (Video, Games)
Examples of Medical Services are (X-rays, ECG)

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